sgmajorshipper Feb 07, 2012 12:00
[ life ] rl, [ meme ] general, [ life ] school, [ ♥ ] memes, [ movie ] the lake house, [ ♥ ] fandom is where you found yourself, [ music ] oldies, [ music ] mat kearney, [ fandom ] general, [ flist ] freaksoldier, [ misc. ] thinky thoughts
sgmajorshipper Feb 06, 2012 21:55
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[ fangirl ] *iz in love*, [ creativity ] vid, [ ♥ ] this shit needs to be analyzed, [ tv ] supernatural, [ flist ] general, [ ♥ ] music, [ music ] mat kearney, [ fandom ] prompts, [ grace ] has a brain 'splodey, [ ♥ ] fictional exploits of fiction